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I provide healthcare services specifically tailored to the corporate client


​If you are an employer and unfortunate enough to have an injured employee, Dr Tang can provide immediate treatment for your injured employee and assist them to return to work in a timely manner whilst they are being rehabilitated from their injuries.

Dr Tang understands the significant costs both economically and emotionally that a work related injury is to the employer. Dr.Tang will treat your employee under evidence based medical guidelines to assist your employee to attain full health in a timely manner.

Dr Tang understands the importance of communication and will communicate with the assigned return to work co-ordinator for the company via email, sms or via telephone in regards to your employees injuries, the outcome of the consultation and appropriate return to work plan.  Dr Tang can also complete the return to work plan for the employee under your company's template and have the return to work plan emailed along with the WorkCover Medical Certificate.

Dr Tang

● is affiliated with multiple allied health providers, so most injured workers can access a physiotherapist treatments on the same day with minimal loss time off work.


● can organize specialised tests such as Magnetic Resonance Imagings, Computed Tomography and Bone Scans subject to approvals from the insurer on the same day without intervention from the employer or the employee, freeing up time for the employer to concentrate on other aspects of their employees injury management.


● can provide after hours medical serviceS for acute injuries subject to prior arrangements.  Dr Tang can provide video consultations after hours for your acute injuries, or if need be, he can attend the work place to treat acute injuries.


● can perform work place assessments if required to gain a better understanding of your company's available suitable duties.

● can consult with your return to work co-ordinator to formulate a plan such that your injured employee can have a nil loss time injury for their WorkCover claim.  This can assist in minimizing claim cost and future costs for your WorkCover premiums.

●perform extensive pre-employment medicals for your potential employees to assess if the applicant is fit for the desired employment. Pre-employment medicals are extremely important to assess the likelihood that your applicant has a serious underlying medical disorder that may prevent them from performing the assigned work that you are employing the applicant to undertake.  Pre-employment medicals can also uncover potential pre-existing medical conditions that could affect a potential WorkCover claim later down the track.  Drug and alcohol screening, back assessments, hearing tests, lung function tests can also be performed on our site.

● Truck Save Medicals

● Hazardous Substance Medicals


● Confined Space Medicals

Dr Tang can provide assessments and an opinion in regards to safe return to work for your employees under WorkCover system who already have their own nominated treating doctor.

Dr Tang can also provide assessments and an opinion in regards to safe return to work for your employees with major medical illness such as an employee who has just suffered a heart attack or a stroke.

Dr Tang also specialises in ergonomic assessments for administration staff.  These assessments are designed to reduce injuries and to improve efficiency for your administration staff.



If you are an insurer and you have a patient with complex injuries and require an Injury Management Consultant, Dr Tang can assist with mediation with the nominated treating doctor, nominated treating specialist, the rehabilitation provider and the employer to ensure a speedy return to work and advice in regards to injury management.

Dr.Tang can provide a detailed report of the assessment which can contain photographs, video and audio recordings of the patients medical condition. They can be sent either by email or via post in the form of a CD.


Dr. Tang is a registered Transport for NSW Health Professional and will be able to issue Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 certificates for contractors wishing to obtain work from Transport for NSW.


For employers who have injured employees who are located in a remote area or who are not able to visit our practice, we offer remote consultations via a HD webcam and in most cases we can consult, diagnose and refer patients off for approriate investigations and treatment within the vicinity of the injured employee.

We also offer an on call service where employers will have direct access to a WorkCover accredited medical practitioner via phone or webcam up to 11pm, 7 days per week



Dr. Tang is registered to provide TruckSafe medicals in accordance to the guidelines set out "Assessing Fitness to Drive 2016" developed by the National Transport Commission and Austroads.

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