Authorised Workcover Medical Practitioner
Injury Management Consultant (Workcover Authority
MAA Trained in Assessment of Permanent Impairment
Ph: 8814 8813
Fax: 8079 1176
If you are unfortunate enough to have been involved in an injury at the work place, an injury as a result of motor vehicle accident, or an injury in a public place. Dr Tang can assist with helping you recover from your injuries.
Dr Tang
has specialised staff that can assist to expedite the claims process and assist in the payment of required investigations and treatment with allied health providers without any out of pocket expenses.
is affilliated with multiple allied health providers which gives you access to physiotherapy treatments on the same day, so you can be on your way to recover in a timely manner.
can organise specialised tests such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography and Bone Scans subject to approval from the insurers on the same day without intervention from your employer or yourself, freeing up time for you to concentrate on getting better.
has access to a wide range of rehabiliation providers so if you require a referral to a rehabiliation provider, Dr Tang can refer you to the list of rehabiliation providers he uses on a regular basis.
can perform a wide range of medicals from pre-employment medicals, boxing medicals, bus medicals and scuba diving medicals to suite your medical needs.
Kaye Culnane is the injury liaison officer and she can assist you in the claims process and help you expedite your claim so you can access treatment services in a timely manner.
Dr Tang performs extensive minor surgical procedures such as mole removals, superficial and deep lacerations and ingrown toenail removals.